Friday, September 22, 2006

I'll be fine, just give me time

Is it normal that I get this upset when the people I love are upset?

I remember once when I was like 9 Keltie started crying because her mom wasnt going to take us to Chuck E Cheese anymore. I didnt even want to go, but I got so upset at her tears that I started crying. Megan made fun of me and asked me why I was crying, and I didnt really know. That was when I started to realize that its not exactly normal to have this big of a heart.

Its like I just walk around with my heart on my sleeve. The slightest brush up against anything can bruise it. I've begun to learn how to put it away, to a certain extent, but when I love someone I just cant. And I love my friends.

Last night me and Teresa talked about how that's my flaw, and its so true. I am incapable of putting myself first, its always the people I love first. Ironic, because I bet 99% of the people I know would think that was hilarious. I've done a fantastic job of cultivating a sense of irony and sarcasm. The best defense is an offense, as they say.

I hate feeling like my emotions are completely dependent on other people when I have so little influence over those people... but there we are. I just wish I could stop it. Some would perceive this sensitivity as a strength, and its probably good for those I love, but it will kill me if I dont get a hold on it.


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