Friday, September 29, 2006

She is everything I need but I never knew I wanted

I cut my hair. I was walking down Ashby on the way back from my doctors appointment and I just sort of went in and did it. I have been wanting a change, so this is definitely it. I also REALLY want my tattoo, but I dont have the money. I might get my ear pierced in a weird place while Im at home. Clearly I need some change. Oh, but that brings me to the next point: I'm going home tonight. Im bringing Sara and Teresa, which makes me REALLY wish that Davies, Jakiel, and Lepp were home. You all seriously need to meet these people, you'll love them. Especially Sara.

Anyways, on to the main show: my new hair.

Tell me what you think! It's my shortest hair ever and it feels SO weird.


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