Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Your revenge on the world will be pencils through your curls

Well hello there, internet people. I have chosen to create yet another medium for stalking me. So now, in addition to facebook and myspace, I now stake a claim to livejournal, xanga, and blogspot. Each of them serves a different purpose, and some of them are simply to be used for stalking, so I maintain that its not that weird. In any case, here I am. From now on this shall be the all purpose blog. Xanga and LJ are to be used for stalking. Moving up in the world.

Well, it's 4th of July and I have nothing exciting to do. I'm actually pretty happy though, because I'm having BBQ hot dogs with Robyn's family and that ought to be delicious. I got MORE than enough drinking in last night to make up for the fact that I wont be drinking today.

Summer is amazing. That is all.


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