Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's been a long time since I've been sad

So here's whats going on.

I'm in a relationship. With a girl. Her name is Stephanie and she makes me happy. I met her through Adam (she's his roommate) and we started talking a little bit ago. She is meeting me in Rome and traveling with me to Athens and Tel Aviv this summer. I am so excited.

So yes, its a little strange that I have a girlfriend for real now. My bisexuality is no longer simply in theory I guess. But honestly, she makes me really happy and I think this is going to be a really good thing for me. She's funny and cute and we are totally compatible in that opposites attract kinda way. My aunt has hung out with her (weird) and apparently she approves, which simply means that her awesomeness has been validated.

I can't fucking wait for her to get to Rome. It all happened so fast, but its also one of the most natural things thats happened to me ever.

We're a little obsessed with each other in that nauseating new relationship sort of way. Its so much fun. I love it.

So thats that.


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