Saturday, April 14, 2007

I want to see you scream and shake

I have officially fallen in love with Paris. This city is amazing. I wish more than anything that a few select people (well, maybe just one) was here with me... but no such luck. I've been to the Louvre, climbed to the top of the Sacre Couer (I almost fucking died), chilled at Notre Dame, went on a Siene River Tour, and bought a lot of good souvenirs for other people.

Now I have to write a paper. Fuck.

I go back to London tomorrow and then its the final stretch. Less than a month left. I am just one huge ball of mixed feelings. Im SUPER excited to travel (especially once I get to Rome) and I can't wait to get home and see everyone again... but I fucking love London and I do NOT want this dreamy experience to be over.


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