Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'd spend all night losing sleep

Yesterday was eventful. To summarize:

1) I did a phone interview for a sweet job back in Berkeley. I think I got it, if their laughter was any indication. That would be nice.

2) I told my mom that Im bisexual and dating Stephanie. It didnt go too well. Excerpts from the conversation include me apologizing to her, then realizing thats bullshit and saying "Im not sorry for who I am, but I'm sorry I'm not who you wanted me to be." Intense.

3) Then I went and drank 13 shots of vodka and talked to Adam and Stephanie on the phone.

Today I am attending my last class in London. 15 more days. FUCK. I'm starting to have this panicky feeling in my chest all the time, like I need to just run outside and take in as much London as I can. I have £20 left on my oyster card, and I know I'm not going to use them all. It's sad.

Before I leave here I want to go to Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese and St. Pauls one last time. I've decided that I'm applying for a job in London when I graduate. Fuck this whole US thing. I like it here.


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