Friday, May 11, 2007

I just cant get you out of my head

Today I learned that funny travel stories are only funny afterwards. And sometimes, I don’t think they’re really ever funny. I swear to Christ, leaving England and arriving in Italy took all the energy in my soul. Here’s a quick outline of my comedy of errors, beginning this morning:

3am- I got SUPER high with Allyson, Cari, and Jackie because I need to get rid of my weed. We, of course, opted to go to the BK Lounge for one last meal. Much to my horror, the man at Burger King knew my order. I immediately wished for death. But at least it was my last day in town :-/

5am- I finally went to sleep.

9am- My alarm clock went off. I basically just called Stephanie and talked to her for a while. This was DEFINITELY the best part of my day.

10:30am- I left the dorm room with ALL my shit, a mere hour and a half after my deadline to be out. When I finally got all my ducks in a row, it ended up costing me £45 to ship a small box of crap home. Ugh. (Annoying expense number one of the day.)

11:30am- I finally arrived at Victoria Station to store my luggage for the day, only to realize that one of the wheels on my big suitcase was somehow missing… which explained the gash on the back of my leg. Fuck. There went another £55 and about half an hour repacking 4 months worth of shit. (Annoying expense number two of the day.)

12pm- I went to St. Paul’s and The Cheshire Cheese with Rebecca and her grandma. It was actually pretty awesome. Her grandma bought me a pint of cider, which is pretty bad ass. I am so in love with St. Paul’s and I can’t wait to see St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. At the end of the afternoon I had to say goodbye to Rebecca though, and that was sad. I damn near cried in public, and we all know how I hate that.

4pm- Upon arrival at the airport, I realized that my freshly packed luggage was a good 10 kilos overweight, resulting in a nice £30 charge for me. (Annoying expense number three of the day.)

5:30pm- My flight took off and of course I ended up next to these two really bitchy fake Orange County moms who wanted me to tell them all about what to do in London, then tell me that’s not good enough. Fine. You don’t think Avenue Q is funny, whatever… but don’t look at me funny when I answer your question after you interrupt my reading. Ho.

8:30pm- I got to Venice airport, got my luggage, and switched to a bus to Padova.

10:30pm- The bus gets to Padova. Sweet deal... Then the wait began. To make a long story short, Ashley’s friends were supposed to pick me up at the bus station but they didn’t and they weren’t answering their phones. Ashley was completely out of town and also not answering her phone. So, I sat completely alone in a dark abandoned bus station in the middle of Padova for about an hour and a half. Somewhere in the middle of this I started getting genuinely scared and put my passport and credit cards in my pocket in case I got robbed. Thank god for Stephanie, who ended up saving my ass by getting a hold of one of these girls. In the meantime, I spent an hour and a half frantically calling everyone I could think of who might be able to help me. (Annoying expense number four of the day.)

Midnight- I finally got in a taxi that took me to where I needed to be. Upon arrival, I showered which was AMAZING. Unfortunately, I’m also starving and there’s no food. And no one else is in this apartment. And I just realized that I left the base for my electrical outlet adaptor with Rebecca, which will soon result in annoying expense number five.

I am so ready to conk out. I just have to wait for Stroud to get here so I can yell at her, make her prepare food for me, and go to sleep. Sigh.

If all summer is going to be like this, I don’t think I’ll make it. Basically, all that keeps me going at this point is the prospect of seeing Steph in four days. Yay!


At 5:34 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

hey was that my eletrical outlet adapter that you lost?

haha maybe not, i just thought that would be amusing.


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